984-464-0120 hello@funeralsnc.org

  Dying to Know?

P.O. Box 4262, Wilmington, NC 28406
Editor: Rebecca Taylor, e-mail

Spring 2021

Annual Meeting
May 16, 2021

The Funeral Consumers Alliance North Carolina (FCANC) will hold its first annual meeting on Sunday May 16th at 2:00 pm via ZOOM.  At the meeting we will review the past year’s accomplishments, elect the Board of Directors for 2022 and 2023 terms (Our bylaws require staggered two-year terms so some people will be nominated for 1-year terms and some people for 2 year terms) and vote on a revision to our bylaws. The meeting shouldn’t last more than thirty minutes of so.

Our formal meeting will be followed by a program presented by Sara Williams, on “Twelve Funeral Myths.” This talk covers, in a lively way, funeral consumer rights and options that can save families thousands of dollars at life’s end. We will explore some common misconceptions that for the most part have arisen because of the commercialization of funeral practices. A funeral consumer who is clear-headed about their preferences, rights, and options is a funeral consumer who is much more apt to make final arrangements that are pleasing, personal, and affordable.

Because the meeting is open only to members of FCANC you will need to per-register with Zoom. The link to register is: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrd-6trDkoH9fI6bIUGT1M0ZVae8j-ljQk

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting..

2020-2021 Goals of the Funeral Consumers Alliance North Carolina
Come to the Annual Meeting and Find Out How We’re Doing!

              • Statewide website
              • Statewide fundraising
              • Statewide newsletter (electronic)
              • Legislative watchdog (NC Legislature)
              • Statewide phone number and email account
              • Coverage of areas with heretofore little or no service
              • Informative/educational speakers for public programs available on request
              • Single price list for all NC funeral homes published on website
              • Recruit Board Members for the 2021-2023 openings

Nominees for the Board of Directors of the Funeral Consumer’s Alliance North Carolina, 2021-2023

2021-2022 One Year Terms
Rebecca Taylor, Wilmington
Hank Williams, Graham
Pat Tweedy, Greensboro
Celeste Toombs, Durham

2021-2023 Two Year Terms
Sara Williams, Graham
Delyn Fritz, Wilmington
Kathryn Lairson, Greensboro
Linda Logan, Hillsborough
Sara Vesta, Winston-Salem
Andrea Burkins, Leicester
Charles Diman, Charlotte

Bylaws Change

We have Sara Williams to thank for adding FOUR new members to our Board of Directors this past year! In her burst of enthusiasm, she managed to bring the Board to thirteen members. Belatedly we discovered our bylaws say the Board should have eleven members. But, heck, the more the merrier! So, we would like to change the bylaws to allow for fourteen rather than twelve members.

Old bylaws“The management and administration of this organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors, consisting of up to eleven directors from at least 4 areas of the State of North Carolina and elected by the membership at the annual meeting.”

Proposed change to bylaws: “The management and administration of this organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors, consisting of up to thirteen directors from at least 4 areas of the State of North Carolina and elected by the membership at the annual meeting.”

News From FCA National




The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that it will begin applications for reimbursement for funeral expenses of deaths due to Covid.

Here are some questions and answers. Please know that the details below are all the details we have. To check for updates to the program, visit FEMA’s website.

https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance ;

Q: Who will qualify to have their funeral costs reimbursed?

A: Only those families/persons who experienced a death that was caused by Covid. Covid must be explicitly listed on the death certificate as the cause of death.

Q: Did the death from Covid have to occur within a certain time frame to qualify?

A: Yes. The death must have occurred after January 20, 2020. It appears this program will be available for Covid deaths throughout 2021 and beyond. From FEMA:

“Passing of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 now makes it possible for families and individuals who incur funeral expenses due to COVID-19 in 2021 and beyond the ability to apply for Funeral Assistance. Since there is no way to predict how many COVID-related deaths may occur between now and 2025, an exact funding cap has not been established.”

Q: Will FEMA advance me money upfront to pay for a Covid death funeral?

A: No. Do not contract for a funeral that you cannot afford, assuming that you’ll get a grant to pay that funeral in time. You will have to pay for the funeral yourself first, in any case.

Q: How much will FEMA reimburse?

A: Up to $9,000. But we are uncertain, as these reports contradict the language in the federal legislation that authorized this money. That legislation gives a different amount. We have not received an answer about this discrepancy.

NOTE!—FEMA will NOT reimburse funeral costs that you have already found money to pay for. For example, if you had a life insurance policy that covered part or all of the cost, or if you did a fundraiser to help pay for the funeral, you will not be reimbursed by FEMA for the money from the insurance or the fundraiser.

Q: What agency should I call to start my application?

A: You must call FEMA’s dedicated line, 844-684-6333. There is no online application. You must apply by phone.

Q: What should I do to prepare for filing my application?

A: We suggest you gather the following. This is advice based on our experience, but we do not know for certain what documentation FEMA will required.

—A certified copy (not a photocopy, an official document from the vital statistics office in your state) of the death certificate. Remember that Covid must be explicitly listed as the cause of death.

—A copy of the complete funeral contract, itemized bill, and documentation of any payment you made on that bill. For example, canceled checks, credit card statements, etc.

—Documentation of any and all sources of money you received that helped you pay for some or all of the funeral. This includes things like receipts showing your fundraising total, or copies of any payments the deceased’s life insurance company made toward the funeral.

On the Web

1 in 6 Millennials Have Crowdfunded a Funeral. I’m One of Them   Death shouldn’t be an unmanageable financial burden.  “The day after my dad died unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 60, I found myself in a nearby funeral home, staring at the handwritten, folded letter I’d written for my dad as a polite funeral director discussed options with me and my wife. Did we want jewelry made with my dad’s fingerprint on it, an upgraded casket for his cremation, or a selection of candles with his face on them? I want to know how much this will cost, was the terribly practical thought I kept returning to. I hadn’t had time to process my dad’s sudden death, sixteen years after my mom died from a stroke. I’d had a single blurry day to come to terms with my dad’s death and take responsibility as his only surviving next of kin, with no parents, grandparents, or siblings to help me out…”    Talk Poverty, March 2021

The Pro’s and Con’s of Funeral Trusts Things to consider about prepaid funeral trusts. “First, you will need to decide between an irrevocable or revocable trust. Determine if purchasing one or the other will affect your Medicaid eligibility and/or social security eligibility. Setting up a funeral trust before applying for Medicaid can be prudent, as is knowing the Medicaid asset limit in your state. If you are unsure about the process, talking to a financial advisor may be helpful.”  MSN / Money February 2021

Don’t Forget

The STATE-WIDE survey pf Funeral Home Prices is now available on our website!

New Members

Richard Schumacher, Asheville, NC
Mitch Thompson, Fletcher, NC
Frank McElroy, Raleigh, NC
Julia Simon Kent, Boone, NC
Raymond and June Minter, Bath, NC
Celeste Toombs, Durham, NC
Sara Vesta, Winston-Salem, NC
Andrea Burkins, Leicester, NC
Charles Diman, Charlotte, NC


Arthur and Doris O’Connor, Wilmington, NC
Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC
Lydia Wexler, Burnsville, NC
William and Patricia Bell, Wilmington, NC
Catherine Elkins, Gloucester, NC
Eleanor Cox, Columbus, NC
Elizabeth Vinson, Winston-Salem, NC
David and Patricia Ashley, Leland, NC
Charleen Fischer, Reidsville, NC
Michele Skeele, Henderson, NC
Mary and Sefton Abbott, Fairview, NC
Gilbert and Joyce Johnson Burnsville, NC
Mary Abbott, Fairview, NC
Denise Murphy, Greensboro, NC
Sara & Hank Williams, Graham, NC
Delyn Fritz, Wilmington, NC
Rebecca Taylor, Wilmington, NC
Don Snook, Kure Beach, NC
Ed Hillman, Asheville, NC
Patricia Tweedy, Greensboro, NC
Kathryn Lairson, Greensboro, NC
Linda Logan & James Edney, Hillsborough, NC

Don’t Forget – You can pay for your membership or donate to Funeral Consumers Alliance North Carolina via the Donate button on our website!